Gorans Brothers Farms
The Gorans Brothers Farms Special Project is located in Kandiyohi County. The project is designed to assess the nutrient and sediment loss from a corn on corn rotation where nitrogen and phosphorus are supplied from turkey manure and commercial fertilizer. A control (no nutrients applied) is also included in the study. A woodchip bioreactor and wetland for treating tile drainage water are also being evaluated as part of this project. A University of Minnesota research team led by Dr. Carl Rosen of the Department of Soil, Water, and Climate is in charge of the experimental procedure and data collection at this site. Various nitrogen models and nitrogen application methods are being evaluated in 2017.
Royal Farms
The Royal Farms Special Project is located in Benton County on an irrigated field. The project is designed to measure the impact of crop and irrigation on soil water in the soil profile. A number of suction cup samplers have been installed to capture water samples moving below the root zone. The samples are being analyzed for nitrate-N. In 2015, potatoes were grown with corn in 2016; corn will be planted in 2017. The local SWCD office and Helena Ag retailer are cooperating also with the project.